Sci Games FAQs
The McGill Science Games are a 4-day no holds barred competition between Science Departments to determine which one can throw down the hardest, fastest, and strongest. This event is more social than academic, but don’t think your Science wits won’t be put to good use. You’ll need to put your departmental pride and knowledge on display to win the Science Games Cup AND the glory!
Anyone from any faculty is welcome to participate! However, teams must have half of their members from their department!
Science Games is January 10th-14th at various venues throughout the city!
Well… We’re a group of 15 wonderful coordinators who were specifically picked out by your SUS executive council members. Us coordinators spent nearly 4 months working long hours preparing some of your best McGill days ever!
Beer olympics, power hour, and a Montreal pilgrimage, just to name a few!
Please reach out to us over email so we can help you!
To meet people from the science community, to give yourself a break, to party, everyone has a reason!
Count your drinks: It takes one hour to metabolize a drink (12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor). Just because the alcohol doesn’t hit you right away, doesn’t mean it isn’t there!
Inform a friend: Make sure you consume alcohol with people you feel safe and comfortable around. It’s best to stick with your Frosh Group! Your Leaders are a great resource if you ever feel you have consumed too much or are not sure if you have consumed too much.
Don’t drink on an empty stomach: Eating before drinking decreases the absorption rate of alcohol.
Alcohol affects people in different ways: Alcohol tends to have a stronger effect on females than males due to female’s lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that aids in the metabolism of alcohol. Additionally, your body’s water content plays a role in how your body metabolizes alcohol, which is why oftentimes when a male and a female are the same weight, the man will have a higher tolerance.
Nicotine: Smoking slows the emptying of your stomach, in turn delaying alcohol absorption. Just because you don’t feel the alcohol right away, doesn’t mean you won’t later!
Tylenol: Alcohol and tylenol separately can already cause liver failure. Taken together, either during consumption of alcohol or while hungover, can increase risk of liver failure even more.
Benadryl: Mixing an antihistamine with alcohol will cause an increase in drowsiness.
Ticket prices are updated on our Facebook when tickets are available!