Academia Week Committee
Academia Week is an annual week-long series of lectures, workshops, information sessions, and seminars to educate science students about future opportunities available upon graduation. The SUS hopes to not only promote traditional careers in academia and medicine, but also alternative paths in science, interesting research, and people who have used their science degrees to do something unexpected and/or fascinating in their lives.
Portfolio: SUS VP Academic
Academic Events Committee
The Academic Events Committee puts together science-related symposiums, seminars, talks, and events of various nature (e.g. Careers Related Speaker Series, the National Institute of Scientific Research, How to Get Involved in Research, Writing Workshops, Mock Professional School Admission Tests, etc.) and for the first time, a multimedia series highlighting ‘What is Happening’ in Science at McGill and beyond.
Portfolio: SUS VP Academic
Accountability Committee
The Accountability Committee oversees the compensation of SUS employees and complaints against SUS employees. Committee members will convene at weekly meetings chaired by the Director to administer SUS payroll to address any complaints. SUS Accountability Committee is also responsible for the attendance records of General Council, as well as office hours, and Executive Committee attendance.
Portfolio: SUS President
After Hours Committee
The After Hours initiative is aimed to create a stronger sense of community within the science faculty. The committee is responsible for co-hosting social bonding events with departmental societies on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Portfolio: SUS VP External
Charity Week Committee
The Charity Week Committee is responsible for organizing a charity week each semester with various engaging events to raise money to donate to a charity of the committee’s choice. The charity chosen should ideally be of relevance to SUS members and of relevance to current societal issues and needs. The committee is also responsible for facilitating philanthropic events of the SUS and its members at large.
Portfolio: SUS VP Sustainability
Clubs and Services (C&S) Committee
This committee is responsible for overseeing the integration of student clubs, services, and other initiatives into the SUS. This committee is responsible for receiving and reviewing applications for clubs and services to affiliate with SUS, maintaining a budget to fund clubs, and advertising clubs and services under the portfolio to the general science student body.
Portfolio: SUS VP External
Constitutional Affairs Committee (CAC)
This committee exists for the creation and revision of the Constitution and all other related documents of The Society. This committee will act as an advisory body for departments and clubs of The Society with regards to modifying or replacing their constitutions and by-laws.
Portfolio: SUS VP Communications
Committee on Student Standing
This committee considers appeals of decisions made by the Associate Dean (of Student Affairs) to requests from students. For example, appeals can range from students requesting re-admission to the Faculty or students wishing to defer examinations. There are eight faculty members and four student members on this committee. Student representation on this committee is very important because of the nature of the issues that arise for discussion and decision.
Portfolio: SUS VP Academic
Finance Committee
This committee is responsible for reviewing and approving budgets, auditing departmental accounts, and completing equalization analyses.
Portfolio: SUS VP Finance
Graduation Ball Committee
Each year, the SUS organizes the annual Graduation Ball — a formal event for graduating students. A cocktail reception and formal dinner is followed by a night of open bar, dancing, and great music. All students are invited! Tickets will be on sale in the Winter semester.
Portfolio: SUS VP Internal
Graduate and Professional Schools Fair Committee
Every November, the SUS invites various graduate and professional schools from around the world to set up booths for a whole day in order to promote their programs and recruit students. This committee responsible for inviting graduate and professional schools, helping set up booths, and organizing the logistics of the entire event.
Portfolio: SUS VP Academic
Leo Yaffe Prize Committee
This committee recommends a professor teaching science courses for the Leo Yaffe Award for Excellence in Teaching. This award is given out for excellence in teaching and training of undergraduates in the Faculty of Science. The committee is composed of select members of the faculty and two student members with four alternate members.
Portfolio: SUS VP Academic
Involvement Restriction Policy (IRP) Committee
The IRP is a contract and policy that processes, investigates, and acts on complaints of any inappropriate conduct, such as discrimination, harassment, or violence. This policy is uniform across faculties to efficiently apply a ban across all events. This committee is designed to make all events/groups safer by protecting student spaces.
Portfolio: SUS Equity
Mental Health Committee
The SUS Mental Health Committee is responsible for evaluating the efficiency and effect of on-campus activities pertaining to students’ mental health, especially towards science undergraduate students. The committee focuses on researching mental health programs, policies, and solutions among North American universities, analyzing the status quo, and improve/create more events for students to learn about mental health and how to deal with it.
Portfolio: SUS VP Sustainability
Public Relations (PR) Committee
This committee is tasked with the job of promoting events, services, and new initiatives presented by the SUS via social media, other online platforms, and in-person advertisement. Goals of this committee include engaging the Science student body and promoting interactive initiatives with constituents.
Portfolio: SUS VP Communications
Science Internal Committee (SIC)
Science Internal Committee (SIC) was created with a focus on social events scattered throughout the year to foster Science and Arts & Science relationships. This committee will work in the organization and the facilitation of multiple events to promote inter-program interactions.
Portfolio: SUS VP Internal
Science Games Committee
Science Games is a multi-day event with a focus on creating and fostering inter-program relations in the Faculty of Science and Arts & Science. Committee members will work as a team to organize and execute events throughout the week. Committee Members oversee and facilitate multiple events to promote inter-program interactions.
Portfolio: SUS VP Internal
Sponsorship Committee
The committee will aim to secure sponsorships for smaller events hosted by SUS committees and SUS affiliated clubs and services if they request.
Portfolio: SUS VP External
SUS Handbook Committee
The SUS Handbook is designed to familiarize science students with McGill, Montreal, and SUS, including all the events and services they provide. Included in the handbook are guides to all science majors. This committee is responsible for researching, selecting, writing, and organizing content for the Handbook.
Portfolio: SUS VP Communications
Social Sustainability Committee
The Social Sustainability Committee is responsible for enforcing inclusivity, promoting cultural diversity, and giving underrepresented groups a voice. The committee creates events, raises awareness about social injustice, and supports equity in the science community.
Portfolio: SUS VP Sustainability
SUS Environment Committee (SUSEC)
The Environment Committee strives to foster a culture of environmental sustainability within SUS. SUSEC will also be responsible for ensuring that all SUS and departmental association events meet the highest sustainability standards by reporting their efforts through the McGill Sustainable Events certification program. SUSEC is also responsible for coordinating environmentally themed events and Green Week.
Portfolio: SUS VP Sustainability